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Found a total of 1243 record(s) across 63 page(s). Displaying result(s) 1-20.

Monster ID kRO Name iRO Name Level HP Size Race ▲ Element Base EXP Job EXP ▼ Card ID Custom
1832 MVP! Ifrit Ifrit 99 9,999,999 Large Formless Fire (Lv 4) 28,388,889 28,030,680 4430 No
1734 MVP! Kiel D-01 Kiel D-01 90 2,222,222 Medium Formless Dark (Lv 2) 21,205,800 4,613,418 4403 No
1768 MVP! Gloom Under Night Gloom Under Night 89 6,666,666 Large Formless Ghost (Lv 3) 8,659,575 2,488,005 4408 No
1831 Salamander Salamander 91 97,934 Large Formless Fire (Lv 3) 648,000 495,000 4429 No
1833 Kasa Kasa 85 80,375 Large Formless Fire (Lv 3) 441,000 342,000 4431 No
1623 MVP! RSX 0806 RSX-0806 86 1,333,333 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 279,090 288,099 4342 No
1978 Hell Apocalips Hell Vesper 86 65,433 Large Formless Neutral (Lv 3) 419,994 288,000 None No
20935 Gan Ceann Gan Ceann 121 237,856 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 1) 610,686 259,308 300240 No
1733 Kiel Kiel 90 523,000 Medium Formless Dark (Lv 2) 328,500 210,645 None No
1251 MVP! Stormy Knight Knight of Windstorm 77 666,666 Large Formless Wind (Lv 4) 579,150 193,050 4318 No
2024 Bradium Golem Bradium Golem 101 45,200 Large Formless Earth (Lv 2) 126,000 170,280 None No
2016 Aqua Elemental Aqua Elemental 83 33,220 Large Formless Water (Lv 4) 48,870 137,700 4443 No
2023 Dark Shadow Dark Shadow 114 42,900 Small Formless Dark (Lv 2) 189,000 126,000 4449 No
1975 Beholder Master Beholder Master 70 24,150 Medium Formless Wind (Lv 2) 81,000 102,600 None No
1976 Cobalt Mineral Cobalt Mineral 72 29,665 Medium Formless Neutral (Lv 2) 110,988 93,411 None No
1681 Gemini-S58 Gemini-S58 72 57,870 Medium Formless Water (Lv 1) 198,216 84,978 4354 No
1977 Heavy Metaling Heavy Metaling 73 28,433 Small Formless Neutral (Lv 1) 83,880 79,479 None No
1777 Ice Titan Ice Titan 60 38,200 Large Formless Water (Lv 3) 124,848 71,352 4417 No
1268 Bloody Knight Bloody Knight 82 57,870 Large Formless Dark (Lv 4) 91,080 61,380 4320 No
2021 Phylla Phylla 85 23,880 Medium Formless Water (Lv 3) 27,360 59,400 None No
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