Battle Royal: Rewards

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The article contains the rewards and conditions for obtaining them in the Royal Battle. At the end of the match, players receive rewards in their in-game mail.

If players leave the match in a non-standard way, they will not receive rewards for participating in the battle, and the result will not be recorded in the account's statistics.

Battle Badges

Battle badges are used in the Royal Shop, Wardrobe, and Perk Store in the lobby.

Badges can be obtained in multiplayer matches of the Royal Battle by fulfilling conditions.

Player Kill 1 Battle badge.png for defeating another player
First Blood 1 Battle badge.png for the first kill in the match
Victory 1-4 Battle badge.png for winning the match (+ zone bonus)
Survival Bonus 1-3 Battle badge.png for each zone survived

Badge farming is regulated by server rules (section 4.12).

Battle Points

In each match, battle points accumulate, which are taken into account when calculating rewards at the end of the match.

Normal Monster 1 points not counted in the last zone of the match
Mini-Boss 5 points
MVP 20 points
Chest Opening 10 points only counted in multiplayer matches

If in a match you kill 245 monsters, 5 mini-bosses, and open 1 chest, then you will have 280 battle points at the end of the match (1*245+5*5+1*10).

Battle Rewards

Depending on the amount of Battle Points, the player receives the following rewards.

Points Item 1: Quantity / Chance Item 2: Quantity / Chance Item 3: Quantity / Chance
50-74 1 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 15%
75-99 1 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 15%
100-124 1-2 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 25% 1 33034.png Special Rent Ticket 1 ~ 20% 1 616.png Old Card Album 0.25 ~ 20.2%
125-149 1-2 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 50% 1 33034.png Special Rent Ticket 2 ~ 21% 1 616.png Old Card Album 0.25 ~ 20.2%
150-174 1-2 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 75% 1 33034.png Special Rent Ticket 3 ~ 22% 1 616.png Old Card Album 0.50 ~ 20.5%
175-199 1-3 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 100% 1 33034.png Special Rent Ticket 4 ~ 23% 1 616.png Old Card Album 0.50 ~ 20.5%
свыше 1-4 Coin.gif Newstyle Coin 100% 1 33034.png Special Rent Ticket 5 ~ 25% 1 616.png Old Card Album 1.5 ~ 21.5%


  • The chance of receiving a Special Rental Ticket also depends on the number of players in the match and the player's place.
  • The chance of receiving a Old Card Album only applies to players who rank in the top five and only in matches with at least ten players, and it depends on the number of players in the match, the player's place, and the victory/defeat zone.
  • These rewards are only given in multiplayer matches.

Royal Scrolls

In addition to the battle rewards, the player receives Royal scroll.gif Royal Scrolls.

The more Battle Points the player earns in a match, the more Royal Scrolls they will receive at the end of the match.

Royal Scrolls can be used to convert Battle Points into experience or farm for the character in the open world. Scrolls cannot be transferred but can be moved within the account. Scrolls are not awarded if the player earns less than 50 points in the match.

Unlike other battle rewards, Royal Scrolls are also given in solo matches, but in smaller quantities.

The number of scrolls received is calculated using the formula:

= ( SCORE / ( 4 + ( SOLO * 2 ) ) + VIP(%) + ( MULTI * 2 * PLAYERS ) ) + HOUR(%)

SCORE = Total Battle Points earned in the match;

SOLO = If the player completes a solo match, this value is '1', otherwise '0';

MULTI = If the player completes a multiplayer match, this value is '1', otherwise '0';

VIP = If the player has premium, this value is '50';

HOUR = If lucky or happy hours were active at the time of match completion, this value is '50';

PLAYERS = Number of players in the battle.

If in a multiplayer match with 10 players, the player with active premium (at the time of match completion) earns 280 Battle Points, then the player will receive 125 scrolls (280/4+50%+1*2*10).