Bonus Calendar

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Bonus Calendar — a calendar that includes passive bonuses for adventurers, which are active for a full day on a specific day of the month.


  • Bonuses apply to all characters on the server.
  • Bonuses do not apply in certain event locations, Battle Royal, battlegrounds, PVP arenas, and guild castles.
  • Bonus changes occur at 12:00 AM (server time).
  • Each bonus is accompanied by a unique status icon.

Bonus Calendar

Day Bonus
Even date +5% Magical attack power
Odd date +5% Physicial attack power
Day off Healer casts Blessing and Increase Agility on adventurers
1 +50% Item drop rate
2 +20% Max HP & +10% Max SP
3 +10% Critical attack damage and its chance & +5% Attack speed
4 +100% EXP
5 +0.05% Chance to get Stone Shard and Newstyle Coin
6 -25% SP consumption & -25% Casting time
7 +50% Item drop rate
8 +100% EXP
9 +20% Max HP & +10% Max SP
10 +3% Chance to refine equipment
11 -25% SP consumption & -25% Casting time
12 +100% EXP
13 The doors to specific places are open. [Horror Toy Factory]
14 +10% Critical attack damage and its chance & +5% Attack speed
15 +50% Item drop rate
16 +100% EXP
17 +0.05% Chance to get Stone Shard and Newstyle Coin
18 +20% Max HP & +10% Max SP
19 +10% Critical attack damage and its chance & +5% Attack speed
20 +100% EXP
21 -25% SP consumption & -25% Casting time
22 +0.05% Chance to get Card Album from monsters lv. 65 and higher
23 +50% Item drop rate
24 +100% EXP
25 +20% Max HP & +10% Max SP
26 -25% SP consumption & -25% Casting time
27 The doors to specific places are open. [Horror Toy Factory]
28 +50% Item drop rate
29 +100% EXP
30 +10% Critical attack damage and its chance & +5% Attack speed
31 +5% Chance to refine equipment