Update 1.29a [Patch Notes]

By [GM] AcidMarco on 15 June, 2024


- Abracadabra / When using the skill 'Change Class', it is now displayed at the top of the screen as '!!!!'.
- Abracadabra / With a premium account, you can now use the 'Safe Abracadabra' setting, preventing accidentally skipping the skill 'Change Class'. Upon successfully using the skill 'Change Class', the Abracadabra skill is blocked. Within 20 seconds, if the Abracadabra skill is used again, the skill 'Change Class' will be activated if the Abracadabra skill has not been used.
- Double attack can now become critical.
- Fixed a talent error during reincarnation that could cause skill leveling blockage for a novice.
- Corrected descriptions of some items.