Update 1.10 [Patch Notes]

By [GM] AcidMarco on 03 January, 2024


- Base HP of the Empire reduced to 50 HP (previously 700 HP).
- Castle defense investments are available, which increase the HP, DEF, and ATK of defenders, as well as increase the Empire's HP by 10 HP for each investment. The maximum number of investments is 100 (maximum Empire HP: 1050 HP).
- Castle economy investments are available, which increase the number of dropped items, the probability of items dropping from treasure chests, and the maximum number of available treasure chests per day. The maximum number of investments is 100.
- Current level of defense and economy for Swanhild Castle is 15.
- A treasury and 16 types of treasure chests have been introduced.
- The wiki article has been updated.
- The 'Snowfall of Gifts' event has been extended until January 8th.
- A second mode has been added to the 'Dice' event, where only players on the randomly selected platform will lose. The modes alternate. If fewer than 5 players join the event, the main game mode is automatically selected. 
Horror Toy Factory
- Fixed an issue where the instance was not being created and NPCs and monsters inside were not appearing.
- The 'Gospel' skill no longer cancels positive effects on experience gain and item drop rate increase.
- MVP Celine Kimi has been added to the MVP summoning using the 'Abracadabra' skill.
- The Ancient Blacksmith can now create consumable items 'Bloody Branch' and 'Battle Manual III' [+300% EXP].
- MVP Celine Kimi has been added to the MVP summoning using the 'Bloody Branch' item.
- Minimum level requirements for equipping certain items have been fixed.
- Descriptive parts of some items have been corrected.
- Improved server connection stability. Optimized some functions that could cause freezes.