Dungeon of the Day

By [GM] AcidMarco on 20 November, 2023


Greetings, adventurer! 
The world of Rune-Midgard is about to witness an exciting 'Dungeon of the Day'! 
Prepare yourself for epic battles, incredible leveling opportunities, and generous rewards in the form of valuable items!
Dungeon of the Day
- Every day at 04:00 AM (the server time) the dungeon of the day will be randomly selected.
- During the day, in dungeon there is a bonus in the form of an additional base/job experience (+100% EXP) and extra drop chance (+50%).
In addition
- Command @daydun will show you locations, where the bonus can be appied.
- Command @myrates will show your total rates, including dungeon bonuses.
Possible dungeons
Abyss Lake Dungeon    
Amatsu Dungeon        
Ant Hell Dungeon      
Ayothaya Dungeon      
Beach Dungeon         
Bio Laboratory Dungeon
Byalan Dungeon        
Clock Tower Dungeon   
Coal Mines Dungeon    
Culvert Dungeon       
Cursed Abbey Dungeon  
Einbroch Dungeon      
Gefenia Dungeon       
Geffen Dungeon        
Glast Heim Dungeon    
Gonryun Dungeon       
Hidden Dungeon        
Ice Dungeon           
Juperos Dungeon       
Kiel Dungeon          
Louyang Dungeon       
Magma Dungeon         
Moscovia Dungeon      
Nydhogg's Dungeon     
Odin Temple Dungeon   
Orc Dungeon           
Payon Dungeon         
Pyramids Dungeon      
Rachel Santuary Dungeon
Sphinx Dungeon        
Sunken Ship Dungeon   
Thanatos Tower Dungeon
Thor Volcano Dungoen  
Toy Factory Dungeon   
Turtle Dungeon        
Umbala Dungeon        


Happy hunting, adventurer! ~