Update 1.53 [Patch Notes]

By [GM] AcidMarco on 23 January, 2025


[ Mechanics: Auto Attack ]
• Reduced the delay in switching targets after the first auto attack.
• Reduced the delay in switching targets during combat (when the target is still alive); the user’s command to switch targets takes priority and executes after the attack animation is completed.
• Improved target-chasing mechanics. Now, character movement synchronizes with the target’s movement. Upon reaching the target, the character attempts to inflict damage as quickly as possible.
[ Mechanics: Auto Attack (/nc) ]
• Automatic attack with the /nc function enabled on GVG, BG, PVP (MVP-PVP), and Battle Royale locations now works as follows:
    • If the target is a monster, sustained attacks will activate without holding LMB (as in the open world).
    • If the target is an enemy character or abyss clone, automatic attack will NOT activate without holding LMB (as in GVG and BG locations).
[ Mechanics: PVP - Enemy Target Highlighting ]
• On PVP (MVP-PVP) locations and Battle Royale locations, an emblem in the form of crossed swords now appears above enemy targets to indicate hostile characters.
• When PVP mode is enabled, emblems automatically appear above enemy characters within visibility range and disappear when PVP mode is disabled.
• Emblems do not appear above allied characters (party members, guild members, or allied guild members depending on the PVP location type).
• Disabling PVP mode also removes the sword cursor that indicates active PVP mode.
• Enemy player targets have slightly higher priority than surrounding monsters.
[ Mechanics: PVP - Loot Priority ]
• On PVP (MVP-PVP) locations and Battle Royale locations, the target (enemy character) has priority over loot scattered near the target.
[ Mechanics: BG - Damage Display ]
• Damage values are now displayed on BG (Battleground) locations.
• The activation and deactivation mechanics of PVP mode during MVP battles have been rewritten. Now:
    • PVP mode activates immediately when:
        1. MVP takes damage from a player.
        2. MVP selects a target for an attack.
        3. MVP attacks a character.
    • PVP mode lasts for 60 seconds, except for:
        1. A 5-minute PVP mode following the death of Void MVP.
        2. A 10-second PVP mode following the death of a regular MVP.
    • After each activation of PVP mode (see above), the timer resets to 60 seconds.
    • PVP mode now activates on locations where it previously did not, e.g., locations with Amon Ra, Kiel, or MVPs in the Bio Laboratory.
• Damage reduction mechanics between players have been introduced for MVP-PVP mode. This reduction does not apply to monsters or MVPs:
    • Auto attack (melee): 100% -> no changes.
    • Auto attack (ranged): 100% -> 75%.
    • Skills (physical damage, melee): 100% -> no changes.
    • Skills (physical damage, ranged): 100% -> 75%.
    • Skills (magical damage): 100% -> 50%.
    • Skills (fixed damage [misc-type damage]): 100% -> 75%.
        • For example: Land Mine, Blitz Beat, Falcon Assault, Soul Destroyer, Acid Demonstration, Fling, and some other skills.
• In MVP-PVP mode, characters are not pushed back by attacks from other players (this does not apply to monster attacks or abyss clone attacks).
• Using a Speed Potion during PVP combat mode now adds a delay to using items and skills for movement/teleportation.
[ MVP ]
• Beelzebub
    • Transformation from a fly into an MVP now occurs instantly.
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect remaining HP could be displayed after transformation.
• Amon Ra
    • Detects enemy players as soon as they appear within screen range.
    • In void form, summons clones to attack its enemies, even when taking damage from afar.
• Achievement and quest progress is now granted immediately after the MVP’s death (previously, progress was granted after item drops), reducing the risk of not receiving progress if the character moves to another location immediately after the MVP’s death.
    • Note: If a character hunts an MVP solo, without being in a party, and delivers the final blow, progress is awarded regardless of their location. If the character is in a party (even if party members are on a different map or offline) and delivers the final blow, progress is granted to all party members within three screens of the MVP’s death coordinates. Progress is awarded to the party or player who delivers the final blow.
• The MVP’s tombstone now displays the following information:
    • The TOP-3 players who dealt the most damage.
    • The total damage dealt by the TOP-1 (MVP) player.
    • Only players who (1) were alive and (2) were on the MVP’s location at the time of its death are eligible for the damage ranking.
[ GVG ]
• The item Spirit Scroll can no longer be used on GVG locations.
[ Battle Royale ]
• Monsters can no longer stack on a single cell as they do in the open world, unless they are following or attacking a target.
• Fixed an issue where Fly Wing could sometimes fail to activate.
• Fixed an issue where some items could be used outside Battle Royale locations.
[ Defense ]
• Fixed an issue where monsters would not gather towards the center of the location.
[ Event: Bard Concert ]
• Fixed an issue with displaying monsters’ HP.
• Fixed an issue with displaying monsters’ elements upon their appearance.
• Fixed an issue where the bard could fail to reach the event points (concert locations).
• Note: To receive the event bonus (EXP), you must meet at least one of the following conditions: defeat at least one monster or pick up at least one item.
[ Monsters ]
• Monsters in special dungeons (Horror Toy Factory and Niflheim Dungeon) now have boss status. They are immune to certain skill effects, but their damage and defense can be increased using boss-specific card modifiers. Monsters in these dungeons provide increased EXP/JEXP rewards.
• Fixed an issue where monsters’ percentage HP and HP bars could fail to display or display incorrectly in some cases.
• Void clones’ percentage HP and HP bars will no longer be displayed.
[ Items ]
• Token Of Siegfried
    • Two Tokens of Siegfried can now be combined into a Battle Siegfried Token by the Chef Cat.
    • The Battle Siegfried Token restores all lost status effects upon resurrection.
    • The remaining duration of status effects does not change but will be reduced by the time the character spent dead.
    • If two different types of Siegfried Tokens (regular and battle) are in the inventory, the battle token will be used by default.
        • In account settings [@settings -> Other Settings -> Siegfried], you can change the priority of token usage upon resurrection.
        • If no status effects were lost at the time of death, the regular token will always be used regardless of the priority setting.
• Fixed an issue with using Void Drive Cell to open slots in the Void Drive.
• Consumables that cannot be used in certain locations (e.g., some scrolls in WoE or potions in NO-POT PVP arenas) are no longer removed from the inventory upon failed use; instead, a message is displayed in the chat indicating that the item cannot be used in the current location.
• Fixed descriptions for certain items.
[ Commands ]
• @support | The ability to submit support requests via this command has been disabled; the command now displays links for contacting support.
[ Miscellaneous ]
• Fixed the display of rates in the @myrates command.
• Fixed some pathfinding issues for monsters.
• Fixed an issue where the description and objective of some achievements did not match their actual requirements.
• Fixed certain chat notifications about the expiration of rental items.
• Fixed some NPC dialogues in Moscovia and other locations.